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Match 1981 paints from Sears with 215,397 paints from other brands. Learn how to get Sears paint by mixing other colors. Convert Sears paints to HSV, RGB, CMYK and others.
10 Pewter
RGB (164, 165, 161)
11 Pebble Beige
RGB (196, 176, 159)
12 Dark Ginger
RGB (129, 90, 72)
13 Shadow Blue
RGB (74, 98, 109)
14 Natural Slate
RGB (135, 140, 139)
16 Charcoal Gray
RGB (83, 88, 91)
19 Sierra Brown
RGB (118, 96, 82)
21 Golden Sand
RGB (214, 174, 120)
24 Emerald
RGB (59, 89, 65)
25 Bright Jade
RGB (33, 177, 150)
28 Molten Black
RGB (56, 56, 57)
29 Prairie Gold
RGB (167, 134, 75)
3 Shell Pink
RGB (221, 186, 173)
30 Redwood
RGB (131, 70, 59)
31 Barcelona Brown
RGB (90, 69, 57)
32 Daring Indigo
RGB (54, 101, 124)
33 Olive Brown
RGB (124, 104, 74)
35 Empire Green
RGB (171, 204, 180)
36 Cream
RGB (239, 207, 169)
37 Golden Yellow
RGB (245, 206, 144)